Lufthansa LH448 (DLH448) von Frankfurt nach St. Louis (2024)

02. Aug 2024



CHECK-IN: 259-335


9h 9m
7.380km / 4.555mi


St. Louis

02 Aug 11:03 CEST
02 Aug 10:40
09:03 UTC

02 Aug 13:13 CDT
02 Aug 13:30
18:13 UTC
" : ""}Lufthansa LH448 (DLH448) von Frankfurt nach St. Louis (4)`; if (activeHex in marker) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[activeHex]); } const m = L.marker(activeMarker.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: activeHex, opacity: lp[7] != '' ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[activeHex] = m; document.getElementById(`mi-${activeHex}`).style.transform = `rotate(${lp[2]}deg)`; activeMarker = null; } activeHex = null; liveTrack = null; liveMarker = null; estTrack = null; document.getElementById('liveMapContainer').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('mapSearch').style.display = 'block';} /** * Recalculates the new position of a marker based on the time elapsed and its previous state. * @param {Object} liveMap */async function updateCalc(liveMap) { if (recalcInProg || liveMap.getZoom() < 6) { return; } recalcInProg = true; for (const [key, prevPos] of Object.entries(lastPos)) { if (key in marker && prevPos[3] >= 50 && !prevPos[6]) { const speed = prevPos[3] || 0; const interval = - prevPos[4]; const dist = speed * interval / 1000 / 3600 * 1852; if (dist < 20) { continue; } // calculate next position const lat1 = toRad(prevPos[0]); const lon1 = toRad(prevPos[1]); const brng = toRad(prevPos[2]); const lat2 = Math.asin(sin(lat1) * cos(dist / r_earth) + cos(lat1) * sin(dist / r_earth) * cos(brng)); const lon2 = lon1 + Math.atan2(sin(brng) * sin(dist / r_earth) * cos(lat1), cos(dist / r_earth) - sin(lat1) * sin(lat2)); const lat2d = toDeg(lat2); const lon2d = toDeg(lon2); lastPos[key] = [lat2d, lon2d, prevPos[2], prevPos[3],, prevPos[5], prevPos[6], prevPos[7]]; marker[key].setLatLng([lat2d, lon2d]); if (liveTrack && activeMarker == key) { const l = liveTrack.getLatLngs(); l.push(L.latLng(lat2d, lon2d, prevPos[5])); try { liveTrack.setLatLngs(l); } catch (e) { /* Catch error silently. */ } if (activeDest) { const tn = L.latLng(lat2d, lon2d); liveMap.removeLayer(estTrack); const arcOptions = { color: "lightgray", noClip: true, vertices: 100 }; estTrack = t.lng < tn.lng ? L.Polyline.Arc(activeDest, tn, arcOptions) : L.Polyline.Arc(tn, activeDest, arcOptions); estTrack.addTo(liveMap); tracks.push(estTrack); } } } } recalcInProg = false;}/** * Fetches data from a specific URL, handles errors and returns the JSON response. * @param {string} url */async function getData(url) { const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: auth_token } }); if (!response.ok) { handleFetchErrors(response); return null; } if (sf === "") { document.getElementById("liveUpdErr").style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("liveUpdNotFound").style.display = 'none'; } return response.json();}/** * Handles errors during fetch call * @param {Object} response */function handleFetchErrors(response) { if (sf !== "") return; const liveUpdErr = document.getElementById("liveUpdErr"); const liveUpdNotFound = document.getElementById("liveUpdNotFound"); const liveMapContainer = document.getElementById("liveMapContainer"); const mapSearch = document.getElementById("mapSearch"); if (response.status !== 404) { refreshsActive = false; = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'block'; document.getElementById("liveUpdErrCode").innerText = response.status; } else { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'block'; }}async function updateMap(liveMap, fromZoom, clickHex) { if (documentIsHidden()) return; const bounds = liveMap.getBounds(); const url = constructURL(bounds, liveMap.getZoom(), clickHex); if (updateInProgressOrTooSoon(fromZoom)) return; recalcInProg = true; lastUpdate =; updateInProg = true; const ld = await getData(url); if (!ld) { updateInProg = false; return; } processMapData(liveMap, ld, fromZoom, clickHex);}function documentIsHidden() { return typeof document.hidden !== "undefined" && document.hidden;}function constructURL(bounds, zoom, clickHex) { const widthText = screenWidth > 1000 ? "large" : "small"; const hexIncl = clickHex ? `?incl=${clickHex}&` : "?"; return `/en/live/map/${Math.floor(bounds['_northEast'].lat * 1e5)}/${Math.floor(bounds['_southWest'].lat * 1e5)}/` + `${Math.floor(bounds['_southWest'].lng * 1e5)}/${Math.floor(bounds['_northEast'].lng * 1e5)}/${zoom}/${widthText}` + hexIncl + `${Math.floor( / 5000)}`;}function updateInProgressOrTooSoon(fromZoom) { if (updateInProg) { return true; } const freq = fromZoom ? minZoomFreq : minRefreshFreq; return - lastUpdate < freq;}function processMapData(liveMap, ld, fromZoom, clickHex) { newMarker = {}; arcs = []; curArc = []; arcCol = ""; prevCoord = []; document.getElementById("nr_flights_disp").innerText = ld["f"]; document.getElementById("nr_flights_tot").innerText = ld["t"]; const st = screenWidth / ld["f"] > 5; const redraw = st !== hadTitles; for (const entr in ld["m"]) { const e = ld["m"][entr]; handleMarker(liveMap, e, redraw, st); } hadTitles = st; removeUnusedMarkers(liveMap); updateInProg = false; recalcInProg = false; firstUpd = false; if (clickHex) { marker[clickHex].fire('click'); }}function handleMarker(liveMap, e, redraw, st) { if (e[4] == null || e[5] == null) { return; } const currentPos = L.latLng(e[4], e[5]); if (redraw && e[0] in marker) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[e[0]]); delete marker[e[0]]; } if (e[0] in marker) { updateExistingMarker(e, currentPos); } else { createNewMarker(liveMap, e, currentPos, st); }}function updateExistingMarker(e, currentPos) { const m = marker[e[0]]; m.setLatLng(currentPos); lastPos[e[0]] = [e[4], e[5], e[2], e[6],, e[7], e[8], e[9]]; newMarker[e[0]] = true; document.getElementById("mi-" + e[0]).style.transform = "rotate(" + e[2] + "deg)";}function createNewMarker(liveMap, e, currentPos, st) { var des = TypeDesignatorIcons[e[10]]; if (!des) { des = DefaultIcon; } const htmlc = (st ? "

" + e[9] + "

" : "") + "Lufthansa LH448 (DLH448) von Frankfurt nach St. Louis (5)"; const m = L.marker(currentPos, { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: e[0], opacity: e[3] ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[e[0]] = m; markerType[e[0]] = des; newMarker[e[0]] = true; lastPos[e[0]] = [e[4], e[5], e[2], e[6],, e[7], e[8], e[9]]; document.getElementById("mi-" + e[0]).style.transform = "rotate(" + e[2] + "deg)";}function removeUnusedMarkers(liveMap) { for (const m in marker) { if (!(m in newMarker) && m != activeHex) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[m]); delete marker[m]; } }}function onPlaneClick(e) { if (sf != "") { return; } updateInProg = true; const liveMap =; const hex =; if (hex == activeHex) { return; } updateTrack(liveMap, `/${lang}/live/track_hex/${hex}`, hex, e);}function onMoveend(e) { localStorage.setItem('livemapCenter', JSON.stringify(; localStorage.setItem('livemapZoom',; updateMap(e.sourceTarget, false); } function onZoomed(e) { updateMap(e.sourceTarget, true) }// Define a utility function for creating a markerfunction createMarker(latLng, iconClass, htmlContent, alt, opacity) { return L.marker(latLng, { icon: L.divIcon({ className: iconClass, html: htmlContent }), alt: alt, opacity: opacity, }).on('click', onPlaneClick);}function updateTrack(liveMap, url, hex, e) { let prevCoord = null; let prevCoordFull = null; getData(url).then(function (ld) { if (!ld) { return; } const hadNoHex = hex === ""; if (hex === "" && url.includes("hex")) { hex = ld[0]; } else if (hex === "") { hex = ld[1]; } if (activeMarker && hex !== activeHex) { // Reset old marker const lp = lastPos[activeHex]; const des = markerType[activeHex]; const htmlc = (hadTitles ? "

" + lp[7] + "

" : "") + "Lufthansa LH448 (DLH448) von Frankfurt nach St. Louis (6)`; liveMap.removeLayer(marker[activeHex]); const m = L.marker(activeMarker.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: activeHex, opacity: lp[7] != '' ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[activeHex] = m; markerType[activeHex] = des; document.getElementById("mi-" + activeHex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lp[2] + "deg)"; activeMarker = m; } // Set new marker const target = e ? : marker[hex]; if (hex !== activeHex && target) { const lp = lastPos[hex]; const des = markerType[hex]; const htmlc = (hadTitles ? "

" + lp[7] + "

" : "") + "Lufthansa LH448 (DLH448) von Frankfurt nach St. Louis (7)`; const m = L.marker(target.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: hex, opacity: ld[3] ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[hex] = m; liveMap.removeLayer(target); activeMarker = m; if (!e) { document.getElementById("mi-" + hex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lp[2] + "deg)"; } } refreshsActive = true; recalcInProg = true; arcs = []; curArc = []; arcCol = ""; prevCoord = []; track = ld[23]; if (sf === "") { if (ld[0] !== "") { domElements.get("liveFlnr").href = `/${lang}/live/flight_details/${ld[10]}`; domElements.get("liveFlnr").innerText = ld[0]; } else { domElements.get("liveFlnr").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveFlnr").href = ""; } if (ld[21]) { domElements.get("liveAirline").innerText = ld[21]; } else { domElements.get("liveAirline").innerText = ""; } domElements.get("liveHex").innerText = ld[1]; if (ld[2] !== "" && ld[2] !== ld[0]) { domElements.get("liveCallsign").innerText = ld[2]; } else { domElements.get("liveCallsign").innerText = ""; } if (ld[3] !== "") { domElements.get("liveReg").href = `/${lang}/planes/${ld[3]}`; domElements.get("liveRegBlock").style.display = "block"; domElements.get("liveReg").innerText = ld[3]; } else { domElements.get("liveReg").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveRegBlock").style.display = "none"; domElements.get("liveReg").href = ""; } if (ld[4] !== "NA") { if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "block"; } domElements.get("liveDep").innerText = ld[5]; domElements.get("liveDepFlag").src = "/staticfiles/" + ld[6].toLowerCase() + ".svg"; domElements.get("liveDep").href = `/${lang}/airport/${ld[5]}/${ld[4]}`; domElements.get("liveDepTime").innerText = ld[11]; if (ld[19] && ld[19] !== "+0") { domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ld[19]; } else { domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ""; } } else { domElements.get("liveDep").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveDepTime").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ""; if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "none"; } } if (ld[7] !== "NA") { if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "block"; } domElements.get("liveArr").innerText = ld[8]; domElements.get("liveArrFlag").src = "/staticfiles/" + ld[9].toLowerCase() + ".svg"; domElements.get("liveArr").href = `/${lang}/airport/${ld[8]}/${ld[7]}`; domElements.get("liveArrTime").innerText = ld[12]; if (ld[20] && ld[20] !== "+0") { domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ld[20]; } else { domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ""; } } else { domElements.get("liveArr").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveArrTime").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ""; if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "none"; } } if (ld[10] !== null) { domElements.get("liveLink").href = `/${lang}/live/flight_details/${ld[10]}`; domElements.get("liveLink").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("liveLink").style.display = "none"; } const lt = track[track.length - 1]; domElements.get("liveAlt").innerText = lt[3] + " ft"; domElements.get("liveSpeed").innerText = lt[5] + " kts"; domElements.get("liveTrack").innerText = lt[4] + "°"; if (ld[18] !== "") { domElements.get("planePic").src = ld[18]; domElements.get("planePic").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("planePic").style.display = "none"; } if (ld[22]) { domElements.get("liveType").innerText = ld[22]; domElements.get("liveTypeBlock").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("liveTypeBlock").style.display = "none"; domElements.get("liveType").innerText = "NA"; } } // update upper items if relevant const liveStatusInd = domElements.get("liveStatusInd"); const liveStatusText = domElements.get("liveStatusText"); if (liveStatusInd && true) { if (!domElements.has("liveTrackHB")) { domElements.set("liveAltHB", document.getElementById("liveAltHB")); domElements.set("liveSpeedHB", document.getElementById("liveSpeedHB")); domElements.set("liveTrackHB", document.getElementById("liveTrackHB")); domElements.set("liveDataHB", document.getElementById("liveDataHB")); } liveStatusInd.innerText = ld[17] ? "Live" : "Gelandet"; const lt = ld[23][ld[23].length - 1]; if (domElements.get("depTimeLiveHB")) { domElements.get("depTimeLiveHB").innerText = ld[11]; domElements.get("arrTimeLiveHB").innerText = ld[12]; domElements.get("depDelHB").innerText = ld[19]; domElements.get("arrDelHB").innerText = ld[20]; domElements.get("liveAltHB").innerText = lt[3]; domElements.get("liveSpeedHB").innerText = lt[5]; domElements.get("liveTrackHB").innerText = lt[4]; } if (!ld[17]) { domElements.get("liveDataHB").style.display = "none"; } } if (liveStatusText && ld[17]) { liveStatusText.innerText = ""; } if (ld[13] !== null && ld[14] !== null && track.length > 0 && Math.abs(ld[13] - track[0][1] / 1e5) > 1 && Math.abs(ld[14] - track[0][2] / 1e5) > 1) { arcs.push([[[ld[13], ld[14]], [track[0][1] / 1e5, track[0][2] / 1e5]], "lightgray", true]); } prevCoord = null; prevCoordFull = null; lp = null; for (const entr in track) { const p = track[entr]; if (p[1] === null || p[2] === null || p.length == 0) { continue; } let col = "green"; if (prevCoord && (Math.abs(prevCoord[0] - p[1] / 1e5) > 1 || Math.abs(prevCoord[1] - p[2] / 1e5) > 1)) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol, false]); arcCol = ""; arcs.push([[[prevCoord[0], prevCoord[1]], L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3])], "lightgray", true]); curArc = [L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3])]; } else if (arcCol !== col) { if (curArc.length > 0) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol, false]); } if (prevCoord) { curArc = [prevCoord]; } else { curArc = []; } arcCol = col; } prevCoordFull = [p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[4], p[5],, p[3], false, ld[0]]; prevCoord = L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3]); curArc.push(prevCoord); if (p[4] !== 0) { lastTrack = p[4]; } } if (curArc.length > 0) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol]); } if (ld[15] !== null && ld[16] !== null && prevCoord && (Math.abs( - ld[15]) > 0.1 || Math.abs(prevCoord.lng - ld[16]) > 0.1)) { arcs.push([[prevCoord, [ld[15], ld[16]]], "lightgray", true]); activeDest = L.latLng(ld[15], ld[16]); } for (const idx in tracks) { tracks[idx].remove(); } tracks = []; for (const idx in arcs) { const a = arcs[idx]; if (a[2]) { if (a[0][0][1] > a[0][1][1]) { const temp = a[0][0]; a[0][0] = a[0][1]; a[0][1] = temp; } p = L.Polyline.Arc(a[0][0], a[0][1], { color: a[1], noClip: true, vertices: 100 }); estTrack = p; } else { p = L.hotline(a[0], { palette: { 0: 'lightgray', 0.1: 'green', 0.5: 'yellow', 0.7: 'orange', 1: 'red' }, min: 0, max: 36000, outlineWidth: 0, weight: 4, noClip: true }); liveTrack = p; } p.addTo(liveMap); tracks.push(p); } if (prevCoordFull) { lastPos[hex] = prevCoordFull; } if (prevCoord) { if (e) { const i = e.sourceTarget; i.setLatLng(prevCoord); activeMarker = i; if (lastTrack) { document.getElementById("mi-" + hex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lastTrack + "deg)"; } if (!refreshs && !viewSet) { liveMap.setView(prevCoord, 8); } } else { if (!activeMarker) { var des = TypeDesignatorIcons[ld[22]]; if (!des) { des = DefaultIcon; } activeMarker = L.marker(prevCoord, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl: svgPathToURI(des.path,des.size,false,true), iconSize: liveMap._zoom > 7 ? sizes[0] : sizes[1] }), rotationAngle: prevCoordFull[2], rotationOrigin: "center center", opacity: 0.8, title: hex }).addTo(liveMap); } else { activeMarker.setLatLng(prevCoord); } } if (e || hadNoHex) { // Only set refresh on first click or for live flight tracks (no hex given then) if (trackRefresh) { window.clearInterval(trackRefresh); } if (ld[17]) { trackRefresh = window.setInterval(function () { if (refreshsActive) { updateTrack(liveMap, url, hex, null); } }, 3000); } } } if (!refreshs && !viewSet) { liveMap.setView(prevCoord, 8); } if (sf === "") { domElements.get("liveMapContainer").style.display = 'block'; if (document.getElementById("mapSearch")) { document.getElementById("mapSearch").style.display = 'none'; } } activeHex = hex; updateInProg = false; recalcInProg = false; });} function buildLiveMap(liveMap,activeHex) { const osmUrl = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; const osmAttrib = '© OpenStreetMap'; const osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, { attribution: osmAttrib }); liveMap.attributionControl.setPrefix(''); liveMap.addLayer(osm); updateMap(liveMap, false,activeHex); liveMap.on('zoomend', onZoomed); liveMap.on('moveend', onMoveend); } function buildTrackMap(liveMap, url) { const osmUrl = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; const osmAttrib = '© OpenStreetMap'; const osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, { attribution: osmAttrib }); liveMap.attributionControl.setPrefix(''); liveMap.addLayer(osm); updateTrack(liveMap, url, "", null); } loadScript("/js/leaflet.js?20220413" ,function() { // set up the map map = new'map-flight',{sleep:false,minZoom:0, gestureHandling: false}); map.whenReady(() => map.gestureHandling?._handleMouseOver?.()); // create the tile layer with correct attribution map.fitBounds([[38.74722,-90.36139],[50.03333,8.57056]]); viewSet = true; dep=[50.03333,8.57056]; arr=[38.74722,-90.36139]; sf = "182205510"; buildTrackMap(map,"/de/live/track/182205510"); L.marker(dep).addTo(map); L.marker(arr).addTo(map); });





Karte im Vollbildmodus




Informationen Zur Fluggesellschaft


D-AIKP Airbus A330-300


255 Sitze
42 Business28 Premium Economy185 Economy

Feb 2012
vor 12 Jahre
Flugzeug Informationen



3x pro Woche
Di, Do, Sa

7.380km 4.586mi

7.634km 4.744mi

9 hours 50 min

3 Flüge
1 Flüge/Woche verspätet
53% Pünktlichkeit

255 Sitze/Flug
3.315 Sitze/Woche



Premium Economy



04. Aug
LH448 FRA -> STL Frankfurt
04 Aug 10:40CEST
Frankfurt (FRA / EDDF)
04 Aug 10:40CEST
St. Louis
04 Aug 13:30CDT
St. Louis (STL / KSTL)
04 Aug 13:30CDT
02. Aug
LH448 FRA -> STL Frankfurt
23 min verspätet
Frankfurt (FRA / EDDF)
02 Aug 10:40CEST
St. Louis
16 min verfrüht
St. Louis (STL / KSTL)
02 Aug 13:30CDT
02 Aug 11:03
23 min verspätet
02 Aug 13:13 *
16 min verfrüht
31. Juli
LH448 FRA -> STL Frankfurt
33 min verspätet
Frankfurt (FRA / EDDF)
31 Juli 10:40CEST
St. Louis
13 min verspätet
St. Louis (STL / KSTL)
31 Juli 13:30CDT
31 Juli 11:13
33 min verspätet
31 Juli 13:43
13 min verspätet
28. Juli
LH448 FRA -> STL Frankfurt
58 min verspätet
Frankfurt (FRA / EDDF)
28 Juli 10:40CEST
St. Louis
41 min verspätet
St. Louis (STL / KSTL)
28 Juli 13:30CDT
28 Juli 11:38
58 min verspätet
28 Juli 14:11
41 min verspätet
26. Juli
LH448 FRA -> STL Frankfurt
43 min verspätet
Frankfurt (FRA / EDDF)
26 Juli 10:40CEST
St. Louis
2 min verspätet
St. Louis (STL / KSTL)
26 Juli 13:30CDT
26 Juli 11:23
43 min verspätet
26 Juli 13:32
2 min verspätet

Kalender zeigen


Hatte Ihr Flug in den letzten 3 Jahren mehr als 3 Stunden Verspätung? Wurde Ihr Flug gestrichen oder überbucht? Dann kann Ihnen bis zu 600€ Entschädigung zustehen (abzgl. Erfolgsprovision). Prüfen Sie jetzt, wie viel Geld Ihnen zusteht!


Dieser Flug wird von Lufthansa als Flugnummer LH448 betrieben. Tickets werden auch verkauft unter:

United Airlines UA9066


Juli 13 Flüge
Juni 13 Flüge
Mai 14 Flüge
April 12 Flüge
März 13 Flüge
Februar 11 Flüge
Januar 13 Flüge

Dezember 14 Flüge
November 13 Flüge
Oktober 13 Flüge
September 13 Flüge
August 13 Flüge
Juli 14 Flüge
Juni 13 Flüge
Mai 13 Flüge
April 13 Flüge
März 14 Flüge
Februar 11 Flüge
Januar 13 Flüge

Dezember 13 Flüge
November 13 Flüge
Oktober 13 Flüge
September 12 Flüge
August 13 Flüge
Juli 14 Flüge
Juni 13 Flüge

November 1 Flüge

März 1 Flüge


Datum / Status Flugnummer Fluggesellschaft Abflug Ankunft
02. Aug
LH690 LCA -> TLV Lufthansa
02 Aug 02:10EEST
vor 12 Stunden
02. Aug
LH637 DLH637 RUH -> FRA Lufthansa
02 Aug 03:28UTC+03
vor 11 Stunden
02 Aug 08:14CEST
vor 5 Stunden
02. Aug
LH625 DLH625 KWI -> FRA Lufthansa
02 Aug 03:04UTC+03
vor 11 Stunden
02 Aug 07:37CEST
vor 6 Stunden
02. Aug
LH8303 GEC8303 MLA -> MXP Lufthansa
02 Aug 00:46CEST
vor 13 Stunden
02 Aug 02:40CEST
vor 11 Stunden
02. Aug
LH601 DLH601 IKA -> FRA Lufthansa
02 Aug 02:03UTC+0330
vor 13 Stunden
02 Aug 05:36CEST
vor 8 Stunden



Wie lange dauert Flug LH448?
Die Strecke des Flugs beträgt 7.380,76 km (4.558,84 mi.) mit einer durchschnittlichen Flugzeit von 9h 49m.

Wie oft fliegt LH448?
Flug LH448 wird mehrmals pro Woche durchgeführt. Aktuell wird er auf Mittwoch, Freitag, Sonntag durchgeführt.

Wie viele Flüge operieren zwischen Frankfurt und St. Louis?
Die Route von Frankfurt nach St. Louis wird von 1 Fluggesellschaft(en) bedient mit 3 Flügen pro Woche. Die wöchentliche Kapazität beträgt 3.315.

Wie oft ist Flug LH448 verspätet?
Im Durchschnitt, 50% aller Flüge sind verspätet. Die durchschnittliche Verspätung beträgt 30 Minuten.
Welche Fluggesellschaft fliegt auf dieser Strecke?
Die Strecke wird bedient von: Lufthansa
Falls LH448 verspätet war oder gestrichen wurde, kann ich Entschädigung erhalten?
Hatte Ihr Flug in den letzten 3 Jahren mehr als 3 Stunden Verspätung? Wurde Ihr Flug gestrichen oder überbucht? Dann kann Ihnen bis zu 600€ Entschädigung zustehen (abzgl. Erfolgsprovision). Prüfen Sie jetzt, wie viel Geld Ihnen zusteht!
-> Anspruch Prüfen
Lufthansa LH448 (DLH448) von Frankfurt nach St. Louis (2024)


What days does Lufthansa fly from Frankfurt to St. Louis? ›

On which days does Lufthansa fly from Frankfurt to Saint Louis? At we offer 3 flights per week from Frankfurt to Saint Louis. These flights take place on the following days of the week: Sunday, Wednesday, Friday.

What plane does Lufthansa use from St Louis to Frankfurt? ›

Today marks one year of Lufthansa operating non-stop service from St. Louis Lambert International Airport (STL) to Frankfurt, Germany. The airline uses Airbus A330-300 aircraft for their three-time a week service (with arrivals and departures every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday).

Is Lufthansa a good airline to fly with? ›

Lufthansa is a German carrier. Travellers rate it 7.3/10 on average, indicating good service.

What country owns Lufthansa? ›

Lufthansa is the largest airline in Germany, and the second-largest in Europe. Some of Lufthansa's hubs are Frankfurt am Main and Munich, Germany. A hub is an airport where people who fly from one city to a second city can transfer or change airplanes. Lufthansa buys airplanes from Boeing and Airbus.

How much transit time required at Frankfurt Airport? ›

To make an international to international connection: 45 minutes. Airport guidelines also suggest a minimum of 45 minutes for international connections, but given the size of the airport, allowing 60-90 minutes would provide a more comfortable buffer.

Do I need a Covid test to transit through Frankfurt Airport? ›

Passengers who are simply changing flights at an airport in the Federal Republic of Germany coming from an area with active cases must comply with the obligations to provide proof of vaccination, recovery or testing specified in the Ordinance on the Coronavirus Entry Regulations.

What plane does Lufthansa use for international flights? ›

Welcome to the world's most modern long-haul aircraft

The Airbus A350 is one of the most modern aircraft of our time. Fuel consumption has been reduced to only around 2.5 litres of kerosene per passenger per 100 kms flown.

What terminal is Lufthansa in St. Louis? ›

Louis Lambert International Airport for Lufthansa Airlines. Lufthansa Airlines designates terminal 1 at St. Louis Lambert International Airport for all its arrivals. This terminal is easy to traverse because of its excellent signage and simple structure.

Which side of the plane to sit on flying into Frankfurt? ›

If you want a good look at Frankfurt sit on the right side when flying into Frankfurt.

Do you get free drinks on Lufthansa flights? ›

A specially selected red wine or a refreshing fruit juice, sparkling wine or Selters mineral water, tea or coffee – whatever you would like. With our selection of free beverages we keep a wide choice of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks available for you.

How comfortable is Lufthansa Economy? ›

Whether it's a short flight or a long one – comfortable seating awaits you in Economy Class. There's plenty of room both on short and medium-haul flights. Thanks to the slim construction of the backrests, our seating provides more legroom so that you can stretch your legs out comfortably in Economy Class too.

What are the best seats in Lufthansa economy? ›

The best seats in economy class

Seats in economy typically offer a pitch of 31 inches and a width of 17.1 inches. They can be found in rows 16-20 behind business and premium economy and in rows 27-49 behind the premium economy cabin.

What does Lufthansa mean in Germany? ›

The name of the company is derived from the German word, Luft 'air' and Hansa, the Hanseatic League.

What is the best German airline? ›

Lufthansa: Germany's flagship carrier

Renowned for its exceptional service, Lufthansa operates a vast network connecting Germany to destinations worldwide. With a fleet that boasts modern aircraft, including the iconic Boeing 747 and Airbus A380, Lufthansa remains synonymous with reliability and efficiency.

Does Lufthansa have free wifi? ›

FlyNet® on long-haul flights

Whether you have to send work-related emails or simply want to chat with your family by Messenger – with FlyNet® you can enjoy Internet even above the clouds. Our guests in First Class enjoy free complimentary internet access when flying onboard a Lufthansa operated flight.

How many flights per day from Frankfurt? ›

The airport ranks fourth in Europe (after London-Heathrow, Paris and Amsterdam) for passengers and second in terms of cargo (after Paris). There is an average of 1,295 flight takeoffs and landings at Frankfurt Airport each day.

What airline flies from St. Louis to Germany? ›

FAQs - booking Germany flights

Air Canada, American, Delta, United, and Lufthansa are among the airlines that offer flights were mess STL to MUC with one stop.

What is the best day of the week to fly to Germany? ›

It's often cheaper to fly to Europe mid-week, particularly on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.


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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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